Finally the Ball Is rolling . . .
"Nuah-ing" is most probably the only fitting word i can find for myself currently . .
Well wat to do, resume has been send and no reply have come my way . .
But come to think of it, i have finised reading a couple of books, caught more shows on discovery channel and National Geographic, as well as continued learning how to draw the human head and figure all thanks to the extra time on hand . . but still, there has gotta be more interesting things to do with this amount of time on hand . . Hmmmmm, gotta do some serious planning :)
PS: did you know that the african bull frog eat almost everything ?? Lizards, Insects, Small Birds and even other frogs ???? And when its defending and looking after its young(done by the dad only), it fears nothing at all ??Interesting huh . . And they can hide in the ground for months without coming out until the rainy season has come !!! Impressive . . I just learned this from discovery today :)
Most dreaded question right now would definitely have to be:
" So How? Found A Job Already ??" . .
Ouch Ouch Ouch . . . (>.<) I am sorry to those whom i asked before . . i won't do this again. I promise I'll try, hee =p
Hmm, spend the last few days doing spring cleaning in prep for CNY
*Omg!!! CNY, More Qns like have u found a job and stuff like (-.-'') *.
Well back to "area cleaning" . . work like mad since i was the only guy around, dad went fishing. . i had to climb up, climb down, fix here, fix there, wipe here, wipe there . .
well i think you get the picture don't you, Haha :)

加油!加油!再加油! . . I will survive this ordeal !!!

Err . . I was Just Merely resting My eyes thats all, I'm not Skiving . .
Well finally some good news on job searching . . Micron called me up just now and requested that i send my resume and transcript over . . Hoping that the rest of the resumes i have send will reply me soon enough :)
Well wat to do, resume has been send and no reply have come my way . .
But come to think of it, i have finised reading a couple of books, caught more shows on discovery channel and National Geographic, as well as continued learning how to draw the human head and figure all thanks to the extra time on hand . . but still, there has gotta be more interesting things to do with this amount of time on hand . . Hmmmmm, gotta do some serious planning :)
PS: did you know that the african bull frog eat almost everything ?? Lizards, Insects, Small Birds and even other frogs ???? And when its defending and looking after its young(done by the dad only), it fears nothing at all ??Interesting huh . . And they can hide in the ground for months without coming out until the rainy season has come !!! Impressive . . I just learned this from discovery today :)
Most dreaded question right now would definitely have to be:
" So How? Found A Job Already ??" . .
Ouch Ouch Ouch . . . (>.<) I am sorry to those whom i asked before . . i won't do this again. I promise I'll try, hee =p
Hmm, spend the last few days doing spring cleaning in prep for CNY
*Omg!!! CNY, More Qns like have u found a job and stuff like (-.-'') *.
Well back to "area cleaning" . . work like mad since i was the only guy around, dad went fishing. . i had to climb up, climb down, fix here, fix there, wipe here, wipe there . .
well i think you get the picture don't you, Haha :)

加油!加油!再加油! . . I will survive this ordeal !!!

Err . . I was Just Merely resting My eyes thats all, I'm not Skiving . .
Well finally some good news on job searching . . Micron called me up just now and requested that i send my resume and transcript over . . Hoping that the rest of the resumes i have send will reply me soon enough :)