The World Is So So So Huge . . .
Being doing alot of extensive reading nowadayz (which is taking up most of my time). . partly because i am still "nuahing" at home
Borrow a couple of good books (i think, hee :P) before the CNY and now trying to complete all of them . . . and they are (drum-roll . . . . ) :
- Electric Universe by David Bodanis
- Doing it Right the First Time by Gerard Nierenberg
- Blink, The power of thinking without thinking by Malcolm Gladwell
Ok i just finished electric universe today, it was a good book in my opinion. The author did a great job by making historical facts so enjoyable to read . . it not like in the history textbook where for example . . . in 19XX - blah blah did what what and result in so so so . . Instead he made history a bit "human" in my opinion.
Actually it was quite a twist of fate that i got to know of this book, so this is how it goes . .
On a chilly nite in rockhamptom, down-under . . Me and my frens were doing last min shopping in the local mall where one of them saw this book and bought it since it was going for so cheap over there but then i wasn't too interested in it . .
Later on i did managed to read this book again on a bus 855 while heading home coz the same fren accidentally left this book with me . . LoLz, but due to the fact that i had to return it . . i did not managed to complete reading it . . but after reading it, i kinda liked it . . But duno why the idea of borrowing it from my fren to read just kinda slipped out of my head . .
Yet fate works in a strangest way, for the first time after like almost 10 years of not going to the library, i found the book the moment i set my eyes on a particular shelf (PS: the librarian laugh at me for not "patronizing" them for a long time . . she said:" Wow, Mr. Tan, you haven't been coming to the library for a long time" or something like that . . LoLz)
Well once i started reading, i can't stop. Guess that's what you call when you found a good book you just can't put it down . . . Apart from the time i spend on watching anime, variety shows, gaming, eating etc . . the rest of my time was devoted to this book.
Borrow a couple of good books (i think, hee :P) before the CNY and now trying to complete all of them . . . and they are (drum-roll . . . . ) :
- Electric Universe by David Bodanis
- Doing it Right the First Time by Gerard Nierenberg
- Blink, The power of thinking without thinking by Malcolm Gladwell
Ok i just finished electric universe today, it was a good book in my opinion. The author did a great job by making historical facts so enjoyable to read . . it not like in the history textbook where for example . . . in 19XX - blah blah did what what and result in so so so . . Instead he made history a bit "human" in my opinion.
Actually it was quite a twist of fate that i got to know of this book, so this is how it goes . .
On a chilly nite in rockhamptom, down-under . . Me and my frens were doing last min shopping in the local mall where one of them saw this book and bought it since it was going for so cheap over there but then i wasn't too interested in it . .
Later on i did managed to read this book again on a bus 855 while heading home coz the same fren accidentally left this book with me . . LoLz, but due to the fact that i had to return it . . i did not managed to complete reading it . . but after reading it, i kinda liked it . . But duno why the idea of borrowing it from my fren to read just kinda slipped out of my head . .
Yet fate works in a strangest way, for the first time after like almost 10 years of not going to the library, i found the book the moment i set my eyes on a particular shelf (PS: the librarian laugh at me for not "patronizing" them for a long time . . she said:" Wow, Mr. Tan, you haven't been coming to the library for a long time" or something like that . . LoLz)
Well once i started reading, i can't stop. Guess that's what you call when you found a good book you just can't put it down . . . Apart from the time i spend on watching anime, variety shows, gaming, eating etc . . the rest of my time was devoted to this book.
Through this book i have known some unknown facts that historial textbooks doesn't tell you. Its basically a book on how the discovery of electricity lead to a technological advancement and eventually the next step into the information age as we all now are in . . . everything was at a stand still . . and suddenly it just exploded when Volta discovered electricity when he sandwich his tongue between metal pieces of zinc and copper, and from there . . new fields of studies in electricity, new gadgets inventions, improvement in every aspect of human lives . . the first, telegraphs, radar, electromagnets, computers . . the list just goes on and on.
I would really like to go on ith a section of "did you know that . . . " . . coz there is so much in the book that i didn't know . . thus the title of this particular post. In order not to spoil it for any potential readers out there, i hope there are some out there, hee (^-^) i will keep the review as it is now and end the review here . .
Now I am starting on the second book, hopefully i don't have to extend my library book's loan date again . . LoLz
Ok, some updates on myself then . . Haha, had a change in hairstyle recently for chinese new year thanks to my sis . . well since u all know i have dreaded this curly hair of mine (PS: if u didn't know then, now you know, hee . . ) . . my sis got hold of a supposing what was a hair straightening cream and i decided to have a go at it . . the end result was quite statisfying :) . . my hair was straight momentarily in my life for the first time in 25 years, hahaha . . even took a pic to commenmorate that day . . . LoLz
Wah Straight Hair Leh . . LoLzI would really like to go on ith a section of "did you know that . . . " . . coz there is so much in the book that i didn't know . . thus the title of this particular post. In order not to spoil it for any potential readers out there, i hope there are some out there, hee (^-^) i will keep the review as it is now and end the review here . .
Now I am starting on the second book, hopefully i don't have to extend my library book's loan date again . . LoLz
Ok, some updates on myself then . . Haha, had a change in hairstyle recently for chinese new year thanks to my sis . . well since u all know i have dreaded this curly hair of mine (PS: if u didn't know then, now you know, hee . . ) . . my sis got hold of a supposing what was a hair straightening cream and i decided to have a go at it . . the end result was quite statisfying :) . . my hair was straight momentarily in my life for the first time in 25 years, hahaha . . even took a pic to commenmorate that day . . . LoLz
Hmm . . . i think i side-tracked a bit from the title . .
Ok, back to my "philosophical" me . . . LoLz
Kinda dawned on me while reading the book on how ignorant i still am . . but deeper inside, i'm feeling like a new me coming out suddenly, i mean in the past i think i will not even think about going to the library or reading up on anything except comics, but somehow in the last fews months there has been a surge to find something to do with my life, something meaningful . . maybe its because finally i am no longer in the sheltered environment anymore but . . . . i must give credits to this book called "Your Worst Enemy" u guys must seriously go read it, i guess this book has one way or another made me realise something about myself . .
This book is the only book i have read like 3 times. (PS: Omg, i didn't even believe i could do this 3 times . . guess this shows how good a book is ). . i even took notes from the books, some things they mention in the book is so plainly simple, yet so truthful, so straightforward and so enlightening maybe ??
The world is so huge out there . . so much to do and learn, your lifetime is limited yet there are a million and one things out there to know about and experience, kinda sets u pondering on what u want to do with your life doesn't it ?? Ok, so much for that "chiem chiem" stuffs, sorry if i bored u a little :P
The world is so huge out there . . so much to do and learn, your lifetime is limited yet there are a million and one things out there to know about and experience, kinda sets u pondering on what u want to do with your life doesn't it ?? Ok, so much for that "chiem chiem" stuffs, sorry if i bored u a little :P
Oh ya, last saturday was having this annual gathering of all the familes and kids my mum used to babysit . . Had Steamboat that night and man i was stuffed . . But must not do it too often . . will get fat easily . . . How ironic that the effort to lose weight is always inversely proportional to the ability to gain weight . . LoLz
ok now its time for my all-time favourite quote:
"Time is fair to everyone, your time runs at the same pace as others, the only difference is what you do with your time and what others does with theirs . . "
Oh ya, i am still waiting for my company to call me up . .
"Time is fair to everyone, your time runs at the same pace as others, the only difference is what you do with your time and what others does with theirs . . "
Oh ya, i am still waiting for my company to call me up . .
they are seriously wasting my time here . . .
till next time . .

My latest Toy . . Hehehe . . . A Compaq Presario . . Let the Games Begin . . LOLzZz . .
.:: RT ::.
.:: RT ::.
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