A Week Of Expectations Ahead . . .
This is actually my 3rd time writing this particular entry . . a bit turned off actually
. . . . . . . . .
Well . . because while i was writing this entry previously, i got this message saying something like can't connect up to blogger main server and all written data could not be posted nor could it be saved . . yes for both time it happened to me on the same day . . Darnnn . .
Man i was pissed off
. . now i am just praying that this doesn't happened while i am typing this for the 3rd time . . haiz.
Ok, lets have some updates of the week, oh look at the time (past mid-nite) . .
it should be "last" week ba , hee :)
Black black Monday . .
Got a deep gnash on the big toe (i duno what name u give for toes) from doing some spring cleaning for my mum . . guess i am the only person in this part of earth that can get injured from doing spring cleaning . . . Well becasue of this i can't joggin this week . . the reason is kinda obvious huh?
Ouch Ouch Ouch. . .
. . .
<---- Down On My Luck :( In the night couldn't even sleep in peace cause i would be awaken from the momentary sharp shock of pain when my toe hits something . . think i woke up a couple of time . . . Arrgh, i hate it when i don't get a good nite's uninterrupted sleep . .
. .
Tuesday . .
Nothing happened much, decided to pick up "GO" again (or you might know it as weiqi) . . considering i stopped sometime back . . Was kinda influence by this Anime & Manga called "Hikaru No Go" sometime back . . about how this kid picked up GO . . Who says anime is non-beneficial to one, it all depends on what u draw from it . . Haha.
PS: Now i remember what i stopped the other time round, hahaha
. . . . . .
Oh ya, 2 piece of good news, Chartered Semiconductors called me up for an interview for the position of Equipment Engineer, Hurray . . Finally i am getting somewhere . . Hee :)
Interview scheduled on Thursday, 5pm.
Another one would definitely have to be that, George Gillet and Tom Hicks have successfully took over Liverpool FC from David Moores and they would be giving Rafa a hefty amount of cash for next seasons transfer market . . . .
OOOhhhh . . the future suddenly looks soOooo SoooOOoo bright now . .
Please get Villa, The german left winger whose name i duno how to spell :P and Daniel Alves please, i am begging you . .
( SOrry if u ain't a soccer fan and u have to read this :P, but i just have to express this exhilariation )
Wednesday . .
Continued studying "GO" . . . now all i need is a player and some guidances for the actual game, Hee, any volunteers?? . .
"At least 2 yrs experience in this field, we regret to tell that only short listed candidates would be notified . . . . "
. . .
. . OMG, all this job seeking is having its impact on me . . LoLz. Oh ya, did some homework on Chartered Semiconductors as well . . . Praying that tmr's interview will go smoothly for me :)
THursday . .
Ding Ding Ding . . ROund 1 of interview Today !!! THink it went pretty well with the boss, we didn't have a too technical interview, it was more of a get to know you session . . Duno how i fared, but boss (i am already calling him boss already . . Hahaha) said he would speak to HR and they would most probably inform me in the next 5 days or so . . Was really happy when he said that my job scope might require me to go overseas for training . . Yippee
. . I don't have to pay and on top of that, i am relinquishing the chance to travel around and i don't mean in the local areas . . .
But (strange enough there is always a but . . Hee) . . . i suffered new wounds (blisters) and aggrevated that nasty gnash on the toe. Because had to wear all formal and stuff for the interview mah . . . Haiz should have worn the other older pair . . Drats . . .
the "deadly" equation of . . .
Open Wound + Open Blister + Soap + Water = Excruciating Pain !!!
was tested and proven correct by yours sincerely here (that would mean me . . . )
. . . . . . .
. . . . you get the picture, Haha.
Friday . .
Didnt do much considering i cant go any where with the condition of my feet, so i took the easy way out and nursed my bruised foot . . Hee :)
But still did some cleaning here and there . . Crap, so fast gather dust liao . . . Arrghh.
Thinking of doing a auto-cad drawing of my proposed room layout on the pretext that if my mum allows me to dump something in my room first . . Will show u all when i get the time to do it over the weekend . .
Toe is finally starting to heal, think can start my joggin regime in the coming days, have to prepare for the feasting awaiting me since CNY is SooOOoo SoooOOO close now, i can smell it already . .
. . . Food Food Glorious Food, Bak Kwa, Pineapple Tarts . . . Drool Drool . . Hee.
Lastly . . The Best News Ever . . The long awaited Filler Episodes for Naruto Is officially over, come next episode we would be seeing the grown up version of Naruto and Also bleach is into the original story too . . . Thank goodness its finally over.
( I see alot of people nodding their head in agreement with me . . Hee . .
Wahh . . Look at the time, So late . . in addition, i am in semi-concious state now, actually wanted to show a funny thing i read somewhere . . but i'll keep it to the next post . .
and lastly . . .
~Ask Not Whether "I Can" or "I Can't" But Instead Ask Whether "I Should" or "I Shouldn't"~
. . sweet dreams folks.
till next time . .
.:: RT ::.
. . . . . . . . .

Well . . because while i was writing this entry previously, i got this message saying something like can't connect up to blogger main server and all written data could not be posted nor could it be saved . . yes for both time it happened to me on the same day . . Darnnn . .
Man i was pissed off

Ok, lets have some updates of the week, oh look at the time (past mid-nite) . .
it should be "last" week ba , hee :)
Black black Monday . .
Got a deep gnash on the big toe (i duno what name u give for toes) from doing some spring cleaning for my mum . . guess i am the only person in this part of earth that can get injured from doing spring cleaning . . . Well becasue of this i can't joggin this week . . the reason is kinda obvious huh?
Ouch Ouch Ouch. . .

Tuesday . .
Nothing happened much, decided to pick up "GO" again (or you might know it as weiqi) . . considering i stopped sometime back . . Was kinda influence by this Anime & Manga called "Hikaru No Go" sometime back . . about how this kid picked up GO . . Who says anime is non-beneficial to one, it all depends on what u draw from it . . Haha.
PS: Now i remember what i stopped the other time round, hahaha
. . . . . .

Oh ya, 2 piece of good news, Chartered Semiconductors called me up for an interview for the position of Equipment Engineer, Hurray . . Finally i am getting somewhere . . Hee :)
Interview scheduled on Thursday, 5pm.
Another one would definitely have to be that, George Gillet and Tom Hicks have successfully took over Liverpool FC from David Moores and they would be giving Rafa a hefty amount of cash for next seasons transfer market . . . .
OOOhhhh . . the future suddenly looks soOooo SoooOOoo bright now . .
Please get Villa, The german left winger whose name i duno how to spell :P and Daniel Alves please, i am begging you . .
( SOrry if u ain't a soccer fan and u have to read this :P, but i just have to express this exhilariation )
Wednesday . .
Continued studying "GO" . . . now all i need is a player and some guidances for the actual game, Hee, any volunteers?? . .
"At least 2 yrs experience in this field, we regret to tell that only short listed candidates would be notified . . . . "
. . .

THursday . .
Ding Ding Ding . . ROund 1 of interview Today !!! THink it went pretty well with the boss, we didn't have a too technical interview, it was more of a get to know you session . . Duno how i fared, but boss (i am already calling him boss already . . Hahaha) said he would speak to HR and they would most probably inform me in the next 5 days or so . . Was really happy when he said that my job scope might require me to go overseas for training . . Yippee

But (strange enough there is always a but . . Hee) . . . i suffered new wounds (blisters) and aggrevated that nasty gnash on the toe. Because had to wear all formal and stuff for the interview mah . . . Haiz should have worn the other older pair . . Drats . . .
the "deadly" equation of . . .
Open Wound + Open Blister + Soap + Water = Excruciating Pain !!!
was tested and proven correct by yours sincerely here (that would mean me . . . )
. . . . . . .

Friday . .
Didnt do much considering i cant go any where with the condition of my feet, so i took the easy way out and nursed my bruised foot . . Hee :)
But still did some cleaning here and there . . Crap, so fast gather dust liao . . . Arrghh.
Thinking of doing a auto-cad drawing of my proposed room layout on the pretext that if my mum allows me to dump something in my room first . . Will show u all when i get the time to do it over the weekend . .
Toe is finally starting to heal, think can start my joggin regime in the coming days, have to prepare for the feasting awaiting me since CNY is SooOOoo SoooOOO close now, i can smell it already . .

Lastly . . The Best News Ever . . The long awaited Filler Episodes for Naruto Is officially over, come next episode we would be seeing the grown up version of Naruto and Also bleach is into the original story too . . . Thank goodness its finally over.
( I see alot of people nodding their head in agreement with me . . Hee . .

Wahh . . Look at the time, So late . . in addition, i am in semi-concious state now, actually wanted to show a funny thing i read somewhere . . but i'll keep it to the next post . .
and lastly . . .
~Ask Not Whether "I Can" or "I Can't" But Instead Ask Whether "I Should" or "I Shouldn't"~

till next time . .
.:: RT ::.
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