Sick As SicK Could Be . . .

Sick still can take foto . . ???
Down again . . with flu, guess i never fully recovered . . Must be because of the erratic weather . . but strange enough i didn't show any symptoms earlier in the day yday. . but after my normal 5km run . . i felt kinda strange, i got tired around the 4km mark which i was quite amazed.
Well after that, the condition just got worse, burn up till 38.3 Degrees . . . the rest of the night was just terrible, puked a couple of times in the night and couldnt get to sleep finally got to sleep around 2-3am ba , HaizZz . . wasted a night spend sleeping, couldn't do anything at all . . now i have a lot of catch up to do with my readings :(
So folks let me serve as a warning to you pepz, dun be like me (>.<) . . take care of yourself and don't fall sick like me, u waste time and you put yourself in a terrible situation . . . eeks medicine.
Lastly Something to Share with U folks that i read somewhere . .
"Time is fair to everyone, your time runs at the same pace as everyone, what is different is how you spend your time and how others spend theirs"
Ok thats the max i could do . . hands and feets are feeling cold again . . haizz time to put my windbreaker on again . . and its the freaking bright and warm out there for goodness sake . . Haiz . .
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