Its Finally Ready . .
Due to numerous complains that the link can't work . . i have thick-skinned-ly post my video on youtube in order to obtain the html codes . . Hahaha . .
Here it is . . enjoy folks. Hope it brought u some laughter if not a simple smile on your face.
oh here's a cad drawing of my room . . hahaha . . Dun think my mom would actually let this happen . . first of all the walls would be dark blue which she disagreed totally and to have all the furnitures in their place would mean i have to discard some pieces of furniture which she would she something like still can use mah . . why throw away, so wasteful and stuff . . .
Haiz, what am i do now . . will this stay as a dream or will i make it a reality ????

just a rough draft . . Hee :)
Oh ya, would like to share a piece of good news . . Chartered Semiconductor has called me today tell me that they are working out a employment package for me and most probably it would be ready come earliest this week or next week . . thou i would prefer next week, after the CNY would be the best :) . . Let me re-charge and then its 冲冲冲 。 。 All the way !!!
Heard that i would start off with equipment engineer and after 0.5 yr i would proceed to performance analysis or was it failure analysis . . Sounds Kinda good considering i really like job that have rotation in job scopes for their employees . . Hee \(^-^)/
Can u believe this, i actually made a new fren online today while playing online game . . . He's from US . . and he knows me by the name of "Lycan99"" while i know him by the name of "Eric9098" . . Kinda hit off since we both liked Bleach . . LoLz
Suddenly remember this bunch of friends i came to know when i was playing this game a couple years back .. that bunch was from phillipines . . i think there was 2-3 of them . .
Used to party them everytime we were online . . . LoLz . .
Wonder will i get the chance to find them in the game ever again ???
I shouldnt have used a bogus email for registration the other time round, and due to security update on the host side, my account was consider gone . . Haiz . . DUmb me :(
Well i'll leave it all to destiny then . .
maybe i ask that fellow is he has a friendster account and then i could add him . . LoLz.
CNY is just round the corner hee . .
But tmr is tragedy day (according to hana) and . . .
i have to go do last min CNY shopping for the house and purchasing CNY clothings
. . . . Haizz
Happy Valentines (to those who has their partners) and
Welcome to the big tragedy (for those who are alike to me . . :P)
Till Next Time . . ..
..:: RT ::..
Here it is . . enjoy folks. Hope it brought u some laughter if not a simple smile on your face.
oh here's a cad drawing of my room . . hahaha . . Dun think my mom would actually let this happen . . first of all the walls would be dark blue which she disagreed totally and to have all the furnitures in their place would mean i have to discard some pieces of furniture which she would she something like still can use mah . . why throw away, so wasteful and stuff . . .
Haiz, what am i do now . . will this stay as a dream or will i make it a reality ????

just a rough draft . . Hee :)
Oh ya, would like to share a piece of good news . . Chartered Semiconductor has called me today tell me that they are working out a employment package for me and most probably it would be ready come earliest this week or next week . . thou i would prefer next week, after the CNY would be the best :) . . Let me re-charge and then its 冲冲冲 。 。 All the way !!!
Heard that i would start off with equipment engineer and after 0.5 yr i would proceed to performance analysis or was it failure analysis . . Sounds Kinda good considering i really like job that have rotation in job scopes for their employees . . Hee \(^-^)/
Can u believe this, i actually made a new fren online today while playing online game . . . He's from US . . and he knows me by the name of "Lycan99"" while i know him by the name of "Eric9098" . . Kinda hit off since we both liked Bleach . . LoLz
Suddenly remember this bunch of friends i came to know when i was playing this game a couple years back .. that bunch was from phillipines . . i think there was 2-3 of them . .
Used to party them everytime we were online . . . LoLz . .
Wonder will i get the chance to find them in the game ever again ???
I shouldnt have used a bogus email for registration the other time round, and due to security update on the host side, my account was consider gone . . Haiz . . DUmb me :(
Well i'll leave it all to destiny then . .
maybe i ask that fellow is he has a friendster account and then i could add him . . LoLz.
CNY is just round the corner hee . .
But tmr is tragedy day (according to hana) and . . .
i have to go do last min CNY shopping for the house and purchasing CNY clothings
. . . . Haizz
Happy Valentines (to those who has their partners) and
Welcome to the big tragedy (for those who are alike to me . . :P)
Till Next Time . . ..
..:: RT ::..
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