
This is the toy i was toking about . . . look like rabbit ?????
HahaHa . .
Hmm ... just want to grumble a bit, just bear with me . . .
this is one hell of a week . . .
Was informed that i have 3 quiz in the next coming week on 3 consecutive days even.
Tuesday - Wafer Fabrication CA
Wednesday - Nano-technology CA
Thursday - Electronic Packaging CA
And when u think its all over, i have another quiz on the 7th of Oct. Fluids Mechanics.
but at least i have something to rejoice over . . .
if i studied for wafer fabrication paper, i wun have to study that hard for my nano-tech paper the next day coz nano-tech has a section on wafer fab, so i guess i had my job cut out for me ...
and electronic packaging paper is an open-book .. but my lecturer tells me he gonna set half-open and half-closed kinda of qns . .
Oh yeah this leads to something funny, he was explaining to us the difference between open and closed book papers/exams,
In open book u can bring in anything u want, thats unless they limit what u are bring in, think its good for us ?? Nope, coz the stuff you bring in is only reference and will be reference only, the answer would never be found in the stuff u bring in. HaHaHa, now i know y i got "D" for deform solids last sem . . . HaHaHaHa . . .
In a closed book exams, yes you have to work ur head off remembering all the stuff ... but hey, the qns is gonna come out from ur notes definitely, ermm .. well almost majority i think ... hee :)So its a battle of who can remember more and who can't i guess. And with freaks out that there that can swallow and throw out a whole book's content, ermm . . . battle is lost before its even started !! Trust me, there are people capable of that! :( .... I used to be one, when i was younger, full of zest and more hardworking . . .
HaHaHa, now my memory is failing me, or issit that i have became too lazy to do it ??? Hmmm ....
hmm recently saw this quote by michael J Fox, quite like it ...
"The difference between excellence and perfection is ..
i can handle excellence, perfection is handled by god"
excuses or fact ???? That depends on how u c it then . . . Hee :)
okay back to the bad stuff . . . attending fren's wedding on 01 Oct, so decided to try my existing pants i bought long ago . . was hoping i can fit into it so i can just buy a top and shoe . . . but to my dismay !!!!! None fit, so this sat i have to go shopping for the entire set . . . SianZzz . .
extra expenditure + time wasted on shopping . . asked my sis to be come along with me to be my "advisor" . . . . would this prolong the shopping time ???? I wonder . . . .
ps: the bad stuff is not my frens wedding, its how fat i have outgrown my pants ... crap!!!! (>_<)
ahh .. that felt quite good . . .
till next time . . .
.:: RT ::.