
My lastest find . . . now is my wallpaper . .
so nice dun u agree ?
Sat night, 8.38pm
Waiting for my my show on TV to start . .
So i decided to write something here to kill the time . .
okie where to start . .
lets see now . . hmmmm . . .
oh yeah last night was a tiring night . . .
Quite a lot of activities after school yday. . .
First me and the guys went to Sim Lim Sq to help a fren buy a new comp . .
actually it was jus a new casing with the motherboard and processor.
After that we went Marina South for dinner . . .
Had Zhengfa steamboat buffet for dinner . . .
Ate like crazy . . hahahaha . .
Take it from me . . . dun do it too often . . .
Felt really bad after eating . . . coz i had been running earlier in the week . .
Feel like all the running i had was pointless . . . :'(
We ate from 9 plus till 11 plus . .
Mainly bec my fren made a wrong turn and we were almost touring town in his car . . hahaha
After that we decided to do some sports to facilitate the digestion . . .
After some considerations . . we chose the nearest place, superbowl . . hahaha
Actually it was kinda obvious since Superbowl was only steps away from the steamboat buffet.
While we were waiting . . . (superbowl was having their weekly foursome league) we heard this over the annoucement . . "Lane 19 bowler 3 has now bowled 9 strikes in a roll".
Can you believe it?? 9 Bagger leh . . . oh gosh . . 4 more strikes to a perfect game . . i have never witness a perfect game "live" leh . .
Almost instantly all attention was on this bowler . . . and so were me and the guys . .
and so when the bowler steps up . . it was all quiet . . . everyone was waiting for the 10th strike to come . . .
so he steps up,
he strides to the line . .
with the hand raise up high, ready for a hook shot . .
and the release . . . instantly a "Ooohhhhh ... " was followed by when he released the ball . .
the hook wasnt enuff and he missed the 1, 3 pins . . .
haizz . . . wat a waste . . .
after that it was our turn to play liao . . hurray :)
as per normal . . . 1st round was zeroing round with score standing at 110+
second round decided to go all out with a fren . . 1 cup of drink was the wager . .
in the end ... 150 to 130 . . i lost . . darn, he was dead accurate . .
and i kept on blowing my chances of sparing . . . haizZz . . i need alot of practise . .
3rd round no one bowled their normal standard . . . but my fren still crossed 100 marks . .
lucky i didnt go for a second wager under his attempt to trick me into another wager . . . hahahaha . .
after which we sent my fren back to ntu and head home then . . .
reached home at 1.30+ am . . and then waited for hair to dry, slept at around 2.00+ am ..
still tired now . . . haven tried sleeping that late since the last exam . . .
one piece of good news, i am going to see herbie tmr with my frens . .
might consider writing a short review on monday . . .
btw, its a remake of a classic, an info for those who duno . . . i cant believe that i am the only one amongst my fren that had seen the older version one . . . haizZz .. what have u guys been doing ????
omg . . . 9.09 le . . show has started . .
till next time then,
.:: RT ::.
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