
My New Toy .. Again !! :)
I am doing this update becoz someone said its deserted here . . .
So i am writing something which hopefully wud make it better . . .
LoLzZzzz . . .
Ahhh . . its already August . . .
* National Day ard the corner = Holidays . . Hee :) *
Finally schooL has started . . .
* Sianz *
I missed work already . . .
No input of cash, All outputs . . .
* Arghhhh :'( *
A couple of things happend over the weekends,
JY came over last Sunday to use my comp . . .
and when she saw my toys and models,
she said: "Machiam come into Toys R Us" . . .
I really got alot meh ???
* Looking All innocent. . . Hee *
Then for dinner, me and my family went over to this newly opened chinese "restaurant"
actually its jus a size of about 2 econs shops lor . . . hee . . .
OMG the food is NICE i tell U . . . i was bloated when i am done . . .
On monday went for my first design lab . . . and this time round,
the topic was . . .
*Drum-Roll* . . .
A Sepak Takraw Thrower cum Server Trainer ?!
Heard from the lecturer that this project was proposed by the sports council of SG . . .
So if they decides to adopt my group's idea and sent it for fabrication . . .
Are We Getting Paid ??????
*Ching Ching . . . $$$$*
After work went downtown wif a fren to shop for bday present . . .
ended up me buying a toy again from Cineleisure again . . . HaHaHa . .
* I Shud Really Curb my spending a little . . . HaizZz *
But what was i to do . . . the details of the figurine was very well defined,
I can't help myself . . . Kekekekeke
okie its a figurine of Kurosaki Ichigo from the anime BLEACH !!
I will post the pic here once i am ready . . . Hee
Oh Yah, actually last night i heard from a fren something that shouldn't really happen here in NTU.
Okie, here's how it goes . . .
My fren's FYP Prof told them to stop whatever they are doing (as in their current Projects) and help him prepare his lecture slides . . and this would be considered their FYP ?!
This is crap right, peparing powerpoint slides aint got nothing engineering related to it right? And whats worse is that the Prof has made it known that they would definitely not get an A because of the fact that this job doesn't post any form of difficulties . . .
What kind of crap is that right ??? Don't make any cow sense to me at all . . . actually its not even right in the first place, i'm okie if your original project has been changed because at least its still engineering based, but making you do some powerpoint slides is simply absurb !!!! It doesn't give u a chance to use what you have accquired during your stay here in the uni hor . . . kinda waste of time in my view lor . . . Haizz never expected to see this here in NTU lor, this stinks big times.
Well gotta go do some catch up on my studies as well as literature reviews on my FYP!
till next time . . .
. : RT : .
pengz.. who is the lecturer? haha.. can tell me on msn..haha.. like taht also can ah?.. double pengz~
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