A Moment Of Madness ???

The Set meal looked small in the menu leh, what happend ???

Vivo @ nite

err, excuse me uncle, u are in my shot but the baby can stay :P

Outside Vivo

inside vivo

from the park above vivo

a shot of sentosa from Vivo . .
It has been quite a while since i last post something here huh . . a good 2 weeks maybe or even longer ???
Lets see now where shud i start ? . . . Hmmm . .
Ok i caught up with some movies over the past few weeks, namely Death-Note and Sinking Of Japan. Also completed some books that i have been reading. (serious and non-serious stuff)
PS: I finished Deathnote in 2 days time, actually it was one and a half day, guess thats wat gemi said when u get a book u like, u start and u cant stop . . hee :)
Ok back to the movies, Deathnote was interesting but . . Hee :p
there is always a "but" to something aint it?
Ok, "L"s character design ain't what i had in mind . . "L" is shrewd, not sinister. But somehow or rather, that was what the movie protraited to me . . but nevertheless it was a intriuging show, alot of mind games were played especially on how "Kira / Light" planned to know of the FBI's name and how he got the rest of the name as well as some funny scene in the movie . .
Interesting, Very interesting. But i missed the trailer for the 2nd episode of Deathnote. Heard from frens later that its shown after all the credits were shown . . . Haizzz.
Also went to have dinner @ Shimbashi Soba that night. The food there always taste so nice . . . But a bit tired that day, so couldn't get too enthu especially when u know u are going to do duty on the 23th when everyone is on off, so a bit down . . . hope i didn't bore u that day :(
For the rest of that week (23th -27th ), was basically quite slow . . but because of wallaby i am clearing leave as of effect from that week on . . (suddenly i am like clearing leave before everyone else), blessing in disguise? Well we won't know will we, hee :) . .
But all i know is i had a good few day of rest before i set out to do something . . this is going to be a long continous road of change that i have decided to embark on, remember i mentioned earlier about a book(see my previous post) and i have decided to adopt certain stuff the author mentioned in the book. So much for thinking and planning without actions, its time some actions is to be done, wish me luck and pray for me.
Oh ya, back to my title of "a moment of madness", guess you all know that i am getting the phone i have talking about so much lately, yup finally its in my hands now and i cant take my hands off it. So whats the madness we are toking about ?? I guess we are toking about the price lor, its cost me quite an amount but i don't think i want to mention it here . . but all i can say is . . i have never decided to spend this much on a phone before but what came over me i don't know. But i believe in making choices and sticking by them without regrets.
Decisions can be good or bad, if its good, then fine, but if it isn't, take responsiblity then and find a way to remedy to error caused by wrong judgement. Either way do not lament on the decision u made, take it in ur stride and then move on, blame no one for it would only imply u are not in control of your own life . . Now we wouldn't want that to happen right, since its OUR life, shouldn't we be in control of OUR life ??
Last friday decided to go Vivo with a fren and test out my new camera phone and also watched "sinking of japan". . was rather reluctant to do so bec it all about people dying AGAIN. . but the graphics was totally out of this world. Credit has to be given to the art directors . . every scene with CG was done to the details, realistic i tell u. And if u think the movie "day after tomorrow" was breathtaking, you should look at this. Oh there aint much dying anyway :)
oh btw, i took some pics which is shown above, along with some more pics from my dinner at a jap restaurant with my sis and our "princess" @ Waraku, very good ambience . . . nice spot for dinner with family and frenz :)
well i guess that sums up about everything
till next time :)